Friday, December 15, 2006

Time to can the CWB monopoly

Reading this editorial in the National Post today confirmed my long-held opinion:
Just whose Wheat Board is it?

I would also like to challenge the idea that the decision on this should be up to a vote of farmers. This is an issue of basic economic freedom for farmers. What other business has the federal government dictate to whom they can sell the product of their labour?

Here's an anaology for you:
Let's say there are 100 companies that make a particular trinket. 55 of them sell their trinkets exclusively to Distributor X, while the other 45 sell to various distributors, or even directly to consumers. Should those 55 business be able to have a vote in the industry and require all 100 to sell to Distributor X? That's the logic behind a farmer vote on retaining the "single-desk". We won't accept it for any other business but farming.

Kill the monopoly immediately. If the CWB is right and they get a great deal for farmers, they'll retain the lion's share of the market. Its not for a farmer's neighbour to tell him who to sell his grain to, it's up to the individual.


hunter said...

Exactly, why should my neighbour be able to tell me what to do with the veggies I grow in my garden. Other farmers have no right to impose their wants on all the other farmers. If only one farmer wants to sell his grain on his own, he should be able to, without getting thrown in jail.

It's the same approach that unions use, it's their way or forget about getting hired for the job. Communism, alive and well, right here in Canada. Both unions and the CWB have outlived their purposes, and are doing more to kill our economy than any other factor.

JeffDG said...

I have to agree with you except for one thing:

If you disagree with the Union, you can go work for someone else who isn't unionized.

Can a farmer pick up his land and move it to Montana?